Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Blown Away!

I am currently taking a study break while studying for my first Neuroscience test!  I am currently in week 4 of spring quarter.  This quarter has been beautiful as God is answering my prayers to change and grow me DRAMATICALLY.  I really enjoy praying for big things because I know God is capable and faithful in that.  So at the beginning of the school year as well as every quarter, I have been asking God to grow me more than He ever has in my life.  To reveal Himself more to me and allow me to better understand myself as His daughter.  The first two quarters were the hardest!  And I sort of expected this due to the mysterious ways God does things(which are beautiful).  I felt the pains of loneliness like I have never felt them before.  I don't think I have felt lonely until then.  I didn't feel like I had a home(and in a sense I didn't).  I was paying rent and storing my things at one place and sleeping on the couch at another.  I lived out of bags.  I am so grateful for that couch as well as to my amazing friends for allowing me to stay there.  I will be forever grateful!  I also had to leave for work at 615 every morning and walk the 20 minute walk in the dark.  I am scared of the dark so it was not fun!  The only thing that kept me afloat those months was directly related to my prayers.  The interesting part as well was that I did not feel very close to God.  I just cried out to him constantly knowing he was there even if he didn't feel like it.  I feel like when this quarter started He flipped my life upside down and showed me for the thousandth time how faithful he is and how much He knows me.  I was blessed to be able to move my things into my friends house and officially move in!  This was amazing because I now get to live with my best friends.  I love them so much and they are such a support to me!  It is a joy to be able to serve these girls(my preference is when they are not looking) and just love on them.  As you saw in my last post, I was BLESSED with an amazing car!  I still can't believe that I have it and am so thankful.  I want to drive it so much :)  This car has allowed me to do more things due to not having to walk or depend on others for rides.  One of those things is to get involved in another Community Group(like a bible study through my church).  I prayed that God would put me in one that I grew from and of coarse from the first time I went to my new CG, I have been taught and grown through it.  I can not get over how thankful I am to God and to the people who are in the group!  Every single one of them has been a blessing to me and I don't think they even know it!  :)  God also gave me a new job at whole foods which is a huge gift because this just secures the fact that I  will be living in Seattle over the summer which I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT!!!
I don't want to take for granted any of the blessings in my life!  Truely, God's grace has blown my mind and I could not be more thankful to Him.  I know He is giving me what I need and even in the first two quarters I know that the loneliness was a feeling I needed to be pushed in the direction of God.  The sweetness of God's grace is unlike anything else.  I am humbled at the fact that God is even allowing me to see even a sliver of Him, to talk to him, to love hIm, and to sing to Him.  Oh, I am so undeserving!
I must get back to studying but I will continue this very soon!