Monday, November 29, 2010

Power Within Me

I have been spending some time tonight just meditating on the power God has distilled inside of me.  I was reading in Acts 3 and knowing that I am a human just as Peter was a human.  Peter had the power of the Holy Spirit in him and healed a crippled man.  We have that same power inside of us!  Philippians 4:13 tells us that we can do anything because of the power which is in us.  To really believe that verse; that we can do ANYTHING because of the power which is in us.  I am not walking around with nearly the boldness God desires me to have.  I am walking around as a beat up girl who is trying to make it through the next day without giving into the temptation of gluttony.  How pathetic is that?  I have the strength and the power inside of me to be victorious over all of the temptation which comes into my life. How can I fear anything but God?  God tells me that I will not be faced with a temptation that I can not overcome.  He will ALWAYS provide a way out for me to where I do not sin.  When I sin, that is because I am choosing to sin.  I am choosing to not be victorious over my sin.  I am a strong and victorious person(only by the grace of God) who has the power of God inside of me to do anything and I can win every time!  I don't have to be afraid of anything except for God.  Reading Acts 3 and understanding that the power which is in Peter is in me!  The Power which was in Jesus is in me!  How great is our God that he has given me this power.  I pray that God will change me and that I may walk with the confidence of His power that He desires me to walk with.  I pray that others will see this power and only be able to view it as God's.  This power can ONLY come from God and there is nothing that I can do to get it but rather God's grace upon me to give it to me.  I am praying for you and me to receive this power from God and that it will be for His glory that we have confidence that we are victorious because He was victorious.

He was victorious and now we, too, are victorious!

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