21 things to do before I turn 21:
1. Take a road trip
2. Go out to breakfast with a friend
3. Get a massage
4. Go on a picnic
5. Fly a kite
6. Go to the Beach
7. Run a Half Marathon
8. Learn a new recipe for a healthy fruit smoothie
9. Enjoy the body I have and do my best to take care of it
10. Go to the zoo
11. Bake more for me and other people
12. Meet someone new and become good friends with them
13. Send a message in a bottle
14. Throw a dinner party
15. Spend more time with family
16. Go on more walks
17. Be able to run at a 9 minute mile pace
18. Be more patient
19. Forgive people
20. Take a cooking class
21. Pray consistently for people
On top of these things which I am going to do, below is a list of things from my bucket list that I plan to complete by the end of this summer:
1. Hike Half Dome in Yosemite
2. Visit San Francisco using Citypass
3. Become an early riser
4. Make a quilt
5. Stop biting my nails
6. Take a spin class
7. Become a runner
8. Exercise regularly
9. Have a bon fire on the beach
10. Get a bikini wax
11. Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge
12. Make a gourmet homemade pizza
13. Stay up all night
14. Go to a professional baseball game
15. Begin writing my life story
16. Begin learning Sign Language
I am very excited about turning 20!
Looking at the things I have been through this past decade and how much I have changed and grown have been crazy. I am so grateful for the things I have gone through. I made amazing friends which are so great and I love so much. I also went through hard times with my family which we are all healing and growing from. Looking at what this next decade will bring is exciting. I will hopefully graduate college and begin a career which I am so excited for(if you don't know, I want to be a marriage and family therapist). Bring this decade on because I am ready for it! What are the things you most remember from your last decade of life?
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