Thursday, April 28, 2011

Yesterdays Productivity...

I love days when you feel as though you got a lot done but did not feel overwhelmed or overworked.  Yesterday was that way for me and I am hoping today will be a continuation(it has been so far!).

630a - Woke up, showered and got ready
715a - Went to dining hall for breakfast and read my bible while eating
8a - Went to my Social Psychology class and filled my brain with new information
920a - Read a book for fun(I try and have a book I am reading personally along with my school books to have a break yet still feel as though I am accomplishing something) 
10a - Meeting with my nutritionist
1045a - Eat a snack and write blog post
1130a - First day of my new job!  We just went over the employee handbook, got my uniform and then set up chairs for an evening event they were having.  
1p - Went on a 4 mile run(I am running in Bloomsday this weekend which is 7.5 miles and am not sure if I will make it) in the sun(sort of)!
145p - Ate lunch in dining hall and read my book while eating
230p - Watched an episode of Desperate Housewives(my new tv obsession and all the seasons are on netflix watch instantly...not a good thing for me:))  This is it started pouring in Seattle(it is really annoying how much the weather changes in Seattle.  An hour before I was running and then it was pouring and cold.  I am just glad that I went on my run early in the day!)  All the rain made me want to cozy up with a blanket, a cup of hot tea and a good  ol episode of Desperate Housewives.
330p - Read my personal book(I am in the last 100 pages and when I get to that point in a book, it is hard to put it down!)
430p - Read a chapter in my nutrition book.  This chapter was about Carbs and I learned a lot of information I did not know before
545p - Met up with a few friends for dinner in the dining hall.  Had a big salad(my favorite food) and felt really good after.  After dinner I went to the coffee shop on campus and got a raspberry hot chocolate.
630p - Checked and answered emails which I was dreading answering them.  I am not a big fan of email...
730pm - Watched this weeks episode of the biggest loser
830p - Read another chapter in my book( the title is We Two, just fyi) while texting a friend from home.
10p - I went to bed.  Who knew there was a college student on the planet who is not on crew who goes to bed that early!!  I DO  :)

I know that I should have been more productive with school work but I am still getting back in the swing of things from coming off of break.  

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